歌手 > 波比卫星

波比卫星乐队(Bobby's Satellite band),前身为塬乐队,08年由吉他手组建,曾独...


波比卫星乐队(Bobby's Satellite band),前身为塬乐队,08年由吉他手组建,曾独立发行EP《唤醒》; 乐队成员均从事艺术教育工作,是近几年活跃在北京各大livehouse为数不多的迷幻流行乐队之一; 乐队曲风温暖、阳光,在创作思路上,力图在基础器乐构架之上,融入更多鲜活的声音,来营造出一个飘荡在色彩和光束之中,灵动、跳跃的想象空间。 Introduction Bobby's Satellite band, former name Plateau band, was formed by guitarist in 2008.The band has ever released an EP named independently. Now the members of Bobby's Satellite band are all work for art organization. Bobby's Satellite band is one of those psychedelic bands who are actively show on livehouse in Beijing. Bobby's Satellite band’s music style is warm and sunny. On creative ideas, the band strives to involve more fresh sound through foundational instruments, to make a fanciful space with color and lights